Not really me, but still me

This week’s topic is about how we can express ourselves virtually without it being “us”. This is interesting because when we do something, why wouldn’t we want people to know it was us? Some things just don’t need to have our faces or personal information in them, for example. This brings us to a website called Voki! Voki allows you to customize an avatar and have it speak for you through text or use of your actual voice. I took 10 minutes or so and made my own. It was neat, but part of me just questioned the purpose for it. I felt like typing a blog or making a video of myself talking would be more beneficial and quicker. But then I thought about being on a business trip and having limited hardware. I thought about people who wanted a custom greeting on their website. Some people may not want someone knowing their face right off the bat but want something a little more than text explaining their website and what it has to offer. As long as someone is not creeped out by the automated voice, it should work pretty well.

I tried GoAnimate and it is really cool! (My girlfriend was using my computer so when I went to sign up, it used her google account. I swear I made this.) GoAnimate is a good time sink but it is super fun and easy. If I got paid to make these, I would do it all day long. It is easy and very user friendly. They do have options where you can pay and I think it is worth them money if you use put it to good use. It is just different than your traditional video. This one took me about 15 minutes and I enjoyed making it. I hope you enjoy it. This is just another way we can be virtual without really exposing who we are. It is very easy to stay anonymous on the Internet. It has its pros and cons. Just don’t do anything stupid because someone will find out it is you if they really want to.